Text by Joe, Volunteer from the United states in March 2024
I think Bucara VolunTours is a great way to see a different part of Colombia that most people don’t get to see. Simón and Laura have made great connections within the community of Bucaramanga and traveling to different foundations exposes one to many excellent leaders in the community.
By coming you are making a difference albeit a small one. The big difference is mostly to you. It’s hard not to be affected by what you’ll see and experience. Under difficult conditions people are trying to improve their condition and outlook on life. At the end of the day all we can do is try to make the world a little bit better.
There is so much bad news in the world that it is really inspiring to see these foundations and communities doing the hard work necessary to improve people’s physical and mental outlook. After volunteering a couple of weeks in Colombia with Bucara VolunTours my outlook definitely changed.
I really think connections are the key to life and it’s hard not to feel a deep connection with the people of Bucaramanga, the other volunteers, and Colombia in general. I wish Bucara VolunTours all the best and hope to return one day soon.